Plans and Policies

Rendition of Lee Park Townhomes

The First Review Of The Lee Park Townhomes Reveals The Consequences Of The New T-Zone Ordinance

The Lee Park Townhomes’ first review at the Planning Commission meeting. Positive design reviews were mixed with worries about the inadequacies of the storm drains and sewers for denser development and lack of affordable housing.

Tinner Hill location in Falls Church Future Plan Map

Establishing the Tinner Hill Historic and Cultural District in the Falls Church Comprehensive Plan

On June 24th, City Council approved the addition of the Tinner Hill Historic and Cultural District to in the City’s Comprehensive Plans. No zoning or tax changes expected. This area is tied to the history of the African Americans who once made up 42% of Falls Church.

graphic of sewer debt crushing man in the sewer

The Little City’s Big Sewage Challenge – Part 3: Will Debt (i.e., Taypayers) Pay For Growth? (Additional Update)

The new budget does not resolve the issue of how much debt will be used to fund upgrades to the sewer infrastructure, although the City Manager acknowledged the gap between developer fees and actual growth.