We curate public records and meetings about current Falls Church City development projects, finances, proposals and more. We also conduct independent research for added context.
FY2026 Budget Guidance For Falls Church City Expects 5.5-6% Revenue Growth Yet Projects $2 Million Shortfall
The FY2026 budget guidance cautions that real estate tax rates may need to rise to meet the increased costs for infrastructure and school enrollment growth. Also, there is uncertainty in state and federal funding, and the regional economy.
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The 2024 Year-End Update on New Businesses Recently Opened and Coming Soon
Here are 36 new businesses and one pop-up project that have recently opened or plan to open, including store maps for West Falls and Founders Row.Their statuses in the long process of relocating to the City is also provided.
CPEDS Director Snyder Announces Retirement; EDA Chair Young Dies
The retirement of Jim Snyder who led the City government’s planning and economic development groups, adds to the key leadership positions that need to be filled. The passing of Robert Young, who was involved in many City development projects and chaired the EDA, marks a changing of the guard.
Staff’s Accessory Dwelling Code Does Not Regulate Short-Term Rentals or Require Owner Occupancy
Some on Council and Planning Commission have concerns about the proposed code that allows ADs up to two stories and 1,000sf, with no regulations on short-term rentals and occupancy nor parking review.
Stoddard Exits Staff, Creating 3 Key Vacancies
Planning Director Paul Stoddard leaves Falls Church for Alexandria as of November 30. The City now has three senior positions to fill, including directors for Human Resources and the Department of Public Works.
Chief Issues Annual Police Report, Seeks To Restore Department Accreditation
The Police Report for 2023 shows a 3.57% increase in crime overall, 22% increase in 911 calls and a third more crashes than 2022. Falls Church crime rate continues to be low, although theft, shoplifting and property damage are rising.
The History of West Falls – Part 2. The Challenges of Negotiating a Public-Private Partnership (2018 to 2022 and ongoing …)
The City’s initial financial expectations from the public-private partnership were repeatedly revised downwards, primarily due to COVID. Higher returns from the West Falls project for the developer and investors were achieved by lowering payments to the City.
City Council Reviews Options for the $6 Million FY2024 Budget Surplus
City Council decided to fund the long-awaited Fellows Park project and two EV school buses. The School Board was surprised that their share was only $449,000. $1.67M of the FY2024 budget surplus will go to capital reserve.
The FY2024 Year-End Financial Report – a $6 Million Surplus!
The FY2024 surplus was primarily due to a higher investment return than the 2% budgeted, and higher property tax and meals tax revenues. The capital reserve was $13 million, and projected to go down to $2 million by 2030.
Council Cuts Commercial Parking for First 1,200 Square Feet of Leased Space
City Council approved the zoning change to reduce the commercial parking requirement to attract small businesses to the City and enable adaptive reuse of older buildings.
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OakPark Townhomes – The First T-Zone Project on Park Avenue
Approved: OakPark Townhomes is the first to take advantage of the new T-Zone proposal, with the maximum density and size allowed. Expected price is around $1m.
The Maple and Annandale Development – Another Proposed Mixed-Use Apartment Project
The 7-story Maple and Annandale proposal brings minimal commercial revenue, fully occupies the lot and bulges out over the sidewalk. Otherwise, it is an interesting building.
A Quinn Homestretch Primer
The Quinn Homestretch project is a 10-story senior living and mixed used building on S Maple Street.
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CACT Analysis of Traffic Crashes In Falls Church City
Injuries from traffic crashes jumped by 50% in 2023 compared to 2022. 203 injuries were reported in the last 10 months. This analysis looks at the data behind these numbers and some possible remedies to make our roads safer.
Falls Church’s Black History: A Welcoming Community That Has Not Always Been So Welcoming
Falls Church was once 42% black. Local historian Ed Henderson writes about their struggle for equity and how zoning, taxes and budgets can displace a community, intentionally or not.
Falls Church City Mixed Use Development Projects
An analysis and history of mixed use developments in Falls Church City, fiscal, affordable housing and school impacts.