Quinn Homestretch Architectural Plans
Selected images from the Quinn Homestretch architectural plans – renditions, floor plans, and shadow study.
Selected images from the Quinn Homestretch architectural plans – renditions, floor plans, and shadow study.
Programs and services for seniors are available for City residents, some are offered through Fairfax County.
Tarter – micromanaging price; Hardi – higher and bigger; Snyder – no attempt at T-zone compromise; Duncan – sorry about your view
City staff raises height and increase the T-zone density, reduces tree canopy and adds more by-right features.
A overview of the Broad and Washington project, its history, size, impact. Expected completion in 2024.
Paul Quinn spoke to City Council about his vision for the Quinn and Homestretch Project..
Tree canopy of this site decreased from 23% to 4%. Stormwater runoff should be reduced by more than 20%.
Affects Park Avenue from N. Washington to N. Virginia. Widening sidewalks, bulb-out intersections, street trees added and removed.
The City arborist is surprised by the proposed removal of the newly planted library trees in the Park Avenue Great Streets Project.